Nag darshan
Me rushing out the door: the shuttle is around the corner, keys in my left hand, breakfast-banana in the right...
Me eyes on walkway: wooooo...full breaks....stare for 5 seconds...yup, confirmed - its alive 'n its a snake
Snake: what human? im taking a stroll...change ur way or watch me from where u are
Me : why dont I carry my good camera in the bag? ohh well...use the ohh yeah, put banana in pocket, get phone out.
Snake: im in no slow-slithering...cause im a baby dudette!
Snake: tr-la-laa-la
Snake: ok paparazzi, im off into the greener patches
Me: i saw a real snake? outside my house? i missed my bus!? ohh well...lets tell the world
Me: compose email
Met a baby snake outside my house 2de morning....
no i didnt scream.....(i know
no i didnt scare it (for those concerned for animal safety rather than mine!
no i didnt change direction (am i brave or what!? :P
n yeah i waited till it slithered away to greener parts and then trod the same path 
Me: i missed the next bus too...ohh lets just walk!
<some time passes>
<some more>
Me: what kind of snake was it?
Me 'n pal: do serious search-research on internet....result = eastern garter snake, non-poisonous for humans, max size=2 feet!
Pal: how boring, couldn't you at least meet a dangerous one!
Me: ....
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